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Glorious Geums

Zeena B
The first Geum flowers are out at the nursery!

These fantastic plants attract bees and will keep flowering prolifically for months as long as the spent flowers are removed. They are members of the rose family and do look like miniature rose flowers. I have three available at the moment from above left Geum 'Mrs Bradshaw', Geum 'Lady Stratheden' and Geum 'Blazing Sunset'.

Geum's are hardy semi-evergreen perennials which SLUGS and DEER are not interested in. They are pretty trouble free, are suitable for sun and partial shade in moist but well drained soil. As long as they don't sit in the wet in winter or get baked in hard soil in the summer they are happy. Partial shade is ideal for most varieties so the leaves don't get scorched in the sun.

Both G. 'Mrs Bradshaw' and G. 'Lady Stratheden' have the RHS award of garden merit. They have larger than average sized Geum flowers. Both will reach a height of about 75cm. Blazing Sunset has slightly smaller but fully double flowers, it grows to about 60cm.

Great companion plants for bolder statement flowers

Geum's are excellent flowers to compliment larger blooms. I have them planted with tulips and underplanted with forget-me-nots. Tulips aren't great for pollinators but I love them and the gems and forget-me-nots will provide pollen and nectar so I can enjoy the tulips guilt-free :).

Other potential plant partners

I am trying them with Alliums and foxgloves this year in the new raised beds at Simons Free Range Eggs Farm Shop. It will take a while for the plants to establish and mingle but the Geum's lush foliage should detract from yellowing leaves of the alliums which are past their best by the time the flowers emerge. I am also looking forward to seeing the bold spires of the foxgloves with the Geum's floating in clouds around them. They will still be flowering later in the year when the penstemons and annuals take over as companion plants in my beds.

Planting and care

Incorporate plenty of organic matter when planting and lift and divide in spring/autumn every 3-4 years. Deadhead or cut for indoor arrangements to keep plants flowering throughout summer.

2 Litre Geum's are available from the nursery priced £7.50

All our plants are organically grown in peat-free compost at the farm

Nursery Hours this week

Saturday 30th April 2022 9am to 5pm, Monday 2nd May 11am to 4pm

From May every Wednesday and Friday 2pm to 5pm and Saturday 9am to 5pm



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