Glorious Geums
The first Geum flowers are out at the nursery! These fantastic plants attract bees and will keep flowering prolifically for months as...
Weeds, Wildflowers and Garden Plants
2021 seems to be shaping up to be the year of wildflowers for the bees. Old wild flower hay meadow in summer © Matthew J...
Nectar Rich Scabious in a rainbow of colours
It's not just bees that love scabious, the flowers are a rich source of nectar for many insects including butterflies, and the seedheads...
Vivid Papaver Somniferum 'Lauren's Grape' (Opium Poppy)
Stunning blooms as delicate as tissue paper and long-lasting seed pods. © Sheryl Watson/ In the autumn I sprinkled a...
Bee populations
Since 1990 the UK has lost 13 species of bee and a further 35 are considered in danger of extinction (Friends of the Earth) Bees and...
For Sale in April 2021
We have lots of lovely flowering plants ready for market including; Aquilegia 'Black Barlow', 'Ruby Port' & 'Green Apples' Oxe-eye...